Revised November, 2006
The name of this chapter shall be: The “Blue Ridge Chapter” of “The Antique and Classic Boat Society, Inc.”
The purposes of this chapter shall be:
(a) To provide a means through which individuals, sharing a common interest in historic, antique and classic boating, can meet, share experiences and information, exchange ideas and generate enthusiasm for all aspects of their interest.
(b) To protect the heritage of boating by promoting the preservation and restoration of historic, antique and classic boats.
(c) To serve as a communication channel for the Chapter’s membership, the public, and other entities regarding its activities, purposes and goals.
(d) To promote, further and encourage a love and enjoyment of all aspects of historic antique and classic boating.
(e) To sponsor historic, antique and classic boat events for the benefit of it’s members and the general public.
(f) To educate members of the chapter and the general public about the safety, protocol, preservation and restoration of historic, antique and classic watercraft, as defined by the ACBS, Inc.
The governing body of this chapter shall be the Board of Directors who shall have the general and plenary authority to conduct all activities, business and other matters to come before it.
The Board of Directors shall be comprised of all officers of the chapter plus one (1) Director from each state comprising the chapter. The immediate past president shall remain on the Board for a one year term unless otherwise elected to a longer term in another capacity.
The officers of this chapter shall be:
(a) President
(b) Vice-President (May be more than one (1) depending on complexity of the chapter.)
(c) Secretary/Treasurer (Combined offices to become two (2) offices at the discretion of the Board of Directors.)
In addition to the authority and duties which are inherent in the nature of their respective offices, the authority and duties of the officers shall be as prescribed in the by-laws.
The decisions and actions of the Board of Directors shall be governed by majority vote. In the absence of a quorum (one more than half), necessary business may be transacted but must be ratified or confirmed at a subsequent Board of Directors meeting having a quorum.
The Chapter President shall also serve as Chairman of the Board by virtue of the office and shall also be an ex-officio member of all committees.
(a) Directors shall be elected as follows: The directorship in each state shall be for a term of one (1) year and may be extended up to three (3) years by recommendation of the chapter President and majority vote of the Board of Directors.
(b) The President shall be elected for a two (2) year term and shall not serve more than two (2) successive terms in office.
(c) The Vice-President(s) shall be elected for a two (2) year term and shall not serve more than two (2) successive terms in office.
(d) The Secretary/Treasurer shall be elected for a two (2) year term and may serve an unlimited succession of terms in office.
(e) The Board of Directors may change the tenure in office of all elected offices and directorships to adjust for changing conditions; however, the Secretary/Treasurer’s office shall remain at two (2) years with unlimited succession, as provided for in (d) above.
Membership in this chapter shall consist of the following types, however, provided that potential chapter members are already members of the Society or apply for Society membership at the time of chapter application.
(a) Charter: Persons who, by their support or encouragement at the inception of this chapter, have substantially furthered the efforts of the Founders of the Society.
(b) Honorary: Persons who, in the opinion of this chapter’s Board of Directors, are deserving and worthy of this membership by virtue of their conduct, position, achievement, contributions, or other fitting value.
(c) Annual: Individuals, their spouses or partners and any children under 21 years of age in the same immediate family.
(d) Junior: Individuals under the age of 21.
The application for the various types of memberships shall be in such form as the Society Board of Directors shall prescribe.
The rights, privileges and obligations of all types of memberships shall be conditioned upon current payment of dues allocable to that membership, according to the dues rate schedule adopted and published by the Society Board of Directors and the chapter.
Persons admitted to all of the various types of membership shall enjoy the right to vote and hold office, except that the honorary and junior members are not entitled to such rights.
No member shall be admitted to nor shall he/she hold more than one type of membership simultaneously.
This chapter shall begin its existence upon approval of its constitution and by-laws by the Society Board of Directors.
The President of this chapter shall appoint the chairperson of all committees, who shall serve at the pleasure of the Board of Directors.
(a) Eligibility: For a person to be nominated to any office or directorship, he or she must demonstrate, to the satisfaction of the nominating committee, the willingness and ability to hold and perform in such office or directorship.
(b) Nomination: The nomination and election of officers and directors shall take place at the annual meeting of this chapter.
At the next to last scheduled meeting of the Board of Directors preceding the annual meeting, the President shall appoint a nominating committee from the members of the Board of Directors, who shall nominate by a majority vote of their membership.
The nominating committee shall make its report consisting of a full slate for all vacant offices to the last scheduled Board of Directors meeting, who shall act thereon.
The names of the nominees and the positions for which they are nominated shall be published in the notice of the annual meeting to the membership.
Further nominations may be made by petition in writing to the President by at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the general membership, presented at least thirty (30) calendar days prior to the annual meeting.
(c) Election: The election of officers and directors shall occur upon the casting and counting of a majority of votes eligible to be cast at the annual meeting. Voting may be in person or by mail.
The Board of Directors shall meet at least three (3) times annually.
The Board of Directors shall also meet upon the request of any four (4) of its members, or upon written petition of at least twenty-five percent (25%) of the general membership of the chapter.
The annual meeting of this chapter shall be held in September or October, with at least thirty (30) days prior notice of the date, time and place being sent to each member at his last known address.
A quorum at the annual meeting shall be fifteen percent (15%) of the members eligible to vote.
Special meetings of this chapter may be held upon a majority vote of the Board of Directors.
All Board of Directors and general membership meetings shall follow a written agenda and shall be conducted pursuant to Roberts’ Rules of Order (Revised).
(a) Fiscal Year: The fiscal year of this chapter shall be from December 1st to November 30th of the succeeding year.
(b) Budget: At least fifteen (15) days prior to the beginning of each fiscal year, the Treasurer shall prepare and submit to the President a written account of the anticipated revenues and expenses for the coming year.
(c) Dues: The dues payable for each type of membership in this chapter and the Society shall be billed by and payable directly to the Society in accordance with the dues rate schedules adopted annually by the Society’s Board of Directors and this chapter.
(d) Due Date: All dues shall be due and payable at the date determined by the Society.
(e) Funds: The Funds of this chapter shall be deposited in such financial institutions, in such accounts, in the name of the Society and chapter, as the chapter Board of Directors shall designate.
(f) Refunds: All dues of this chapter and the Society shall not be refundable, proratable, nor in any other way returned or diminished.
(g) Assessments: The Board of Directors may establish and levy upon the membership such special assessments as circumstances may require, up to, but not exceeding fifty percent (50%) of each member’s current dues, stating the reason(s) for the same in a resolution adopted for that purpose.
All vacancies in the positions of officers and directors shall be filled by the appointment of the President with majority approval of the Board of Directors for the period of the un-expired term, however created.
Any officer or member of the Board of Directors desiring to resign their office, shall do so in writing submitted to the President of this chapter and shall be effective upon receipt.
Any member of the Board of Directors or officer who shall be absent from three (3) consecutive scheduled meetings, without giving valid cause, shall be subject to removal from office upon majority vote of the Board.
The Burgee as registered with the New York Secretary of State shall be the official symbol of the Society and this chapter, unless changes are approved by the Society as provided for below.
The Antique and Classic Boat Society, Inc. Burgee shall be the only Burgee used by this Chapter for identification purposes. Any use of that Burgee by this chapter which is in any way different from the one already adopted shall not be used, except pursuant to specific approval of the Society Board of Directors.
A written record of all the Board of Directors meetings and the annual meetings shall be kept by the Secretary as a permanent record of this chapter.
The Treasurer shall receive cash or checks and disburse chapter funds only by written checks and deposits.
The chairperson of each committee shall be responsible for keeping written records of his or her committee’s activities and those records shall be forwarded to the current Secretary upon completion of his or her term as a chairman.
This constitution, along with the by-laws, may be amended or changed by a resolution presented to any regularly scheduled or special meeting of the chapter Board of Directors and adopted by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of those Directors present—the adoption being subject to final approval by the Society Board of Directors. Notice of the proposed change and the date, time and place of the meeting shall have been sent to each member of the Board of Directors at least fifteen (15) days prior to the meeting.
In the event this chapter should ever be dissolved, all of its records, books, documents, property and funds shall be delivered to and become the property of the Antique and Classic Boat Society, Inc.