We’ve just received the good news, the Lake Lure Spring Classic Boat and Auto Show scheduled for May 14th and 15th is a go for this year.

The plans are for boats to arrive on Friday the 14th by 2 PM for a boat parade around the lake followed by a Poker Run. Starting at 6 PM that evening please join us for a cocktail party and Hors D’oeuvre Dinner at the Hotel.

The show will be on Saturday the 15th from 9 AM till 4 PM. During the show, we are asking our members to give boat rides to the public. We will circulate a sign-up sheet on Friday. Please help us make this a fun event. Dinner on Saturday evening is on your own. We will have assistance for pulling your boat out on Saturday after the show or you can leave your boat at the docks till Sunday.

The Lake Lure Lodge has a block of rooms reserved for us at a 20% discount rate. At this time the Lodge is operating at a 50% capacity rate so book your room early.

The Chapter is planning a surprise for those who register and of course show up for the event. We will be able to dock around 25 boats on the main dock and may have additional docking space available but the number of additional dock spaces is unknown at this time. There is space for land displays and a field of dreams for anyone wanting to sell a boat.

The registration form can be filled out online or the PDF Below should be mailed back to Lake Lure Tours, P.O.Box 10, Lake Lure, NC 28746.

For questions contact either Sonya Ledford at 828-625-1373 sonya.ledford@lakelure.com or John Heiderich at 864-231-9614 just2more@aol.com.

The phone number for the Lake Lure Lodge is 828-625-2525.