The Lavonia Expo 2024!
A cool morning gave way to a wonderful day on March 16th for the Lavonia Expo in downtown Lavonia. Our sincerest thank you and appreciation to Gary Fesperman who organizes this event each year!
Several of us trailered into position to display our boats along with other more modern models, and many tent booths featuring services, crafts, gifts, and supplies.
The location is perfect and the weather this year brought out excellent attendance. We had a steady flow of guests throughout the day with many questions and stories to both share and listen to. It’s a privilege to hear people reminisce or talk about their boating interests and or memories.
It is also a special time for the group of us to spend the day together and support each other. Bryan Wheeler was showing his just completed Riviera after 15 months and 1200 hours of dedicated work!
John Heiderich’s Avenger is always a focal point when he brings it. I was just trying to figure out how he actually gets in!
If Gary calls to see if you can attend, please plan to, it is a wonderful day in Lavonia each year!