Spring is quickly showing her head here in the South. The daffodils are blooming, some were even up last month, and the days are getting warmer. You should be well underway on your winter boat projects. The Hartwell boat Festival Committee has been working hard to plan a show for 2022. We have run into one problem after the other in trying to find a location where we can host a show. The bad news is, we have been unable to come up with a location for this year, but things are looking up for 2023. For some reason, a whole lot of people have purchased a whole lot of boats in the last two years, and they all want boat slips. Who knew?
The Hartwell Antique Boat Festival has once again been canceled for 2022. In the Festivals place, we will have a rendezvous on the lake and not a show. What is a rendezvous you may ask? Well, it is a group of boaters who happen to show up at the same time and same place, boat together, and happen to end up at the same place for lunch. This is not a ACBS activity, just a group of boaters having fun. If you would like to join us the weekend of April 22-24th, please come. Come for one, two or three days your choice. We are planning on having Scott Ouderkirk from the “Wooden Boat Experience” (https://www.glassgoat.com/wooden-boat-experience) attending the show. He will be recording the event for his pod case. If you have not watched any of his shows go to U Tube and look up his channel. The plan if there is such a thing, will be to meet for dinner Thursday evening at 6, location to be determined. Friday and Saturday we will leave from the Hartwell Marina around 10:00 AM and cruise to lunch and explore the lake. Sunday, if there are still boaters around, we will leave around nine for an hour and half cruise to nowhere being back at the Marina by 10:30 to haul out and head home. Please feel free to join us for one, two or three days of fun. Please email just2more@aol.com so we know how many boats to plan on. As our plans firm up, we will let you know.
The Lake Lure boat show May 20-21st is in the final planning stages. This will be our third show on Lake Lure and our first official boat show for this year. For those who might not know, the Blue Ridge Chapter was founded at the Lake Lure Inn so many years ago. I understand the Inn is full currently. There are plenty of other motels in the area. Registration for this show should be available for our members by the middle of March. Remember when you fill out the registration form to include a copy of your boat’s insurance showing you have a min. of $300,000 liability. Lake Lure is a private lake, and this is their requirement for any boat on the lake. On Friday, we are planning a boat outing on the lake. That evening there will be a cocktail party to kick off the event. Saturday is the boat and car show.