New for the 2023 Boating Season!
BRC Members,
Last year at the annual meeting we talked about streamlining boat show registrations. Great news! We are getting closer to automating the process and have partnered with Hagerty’s Our first opportunity will be the Lake Greenwood show in April. This will be new for all of us and if you need help please call me (I’m listed in the directory) or email BRC.ACBS@GMAIL.COM. Some may ask “Why are we doing this? I like the current process”. The short answer is, we can put together a show with fewer volunteers until the day of the event, save your boat information for future shows, and pay with a credit card.
The basic flow will be:
- Look at the details on our website, just like you do today.
- Click on the link and it will take you to the Motorsportreg site.
- You will be prompted to create a username (I used my email address) and a password (just like you would do on any site).
- Next you will put in your information, register for the show, choose what you want to attend.
- This will create a total where you will be able to pay by Credit Card.
- You will then receive a confirmation email.
- On the back end we will receive the funds and participant Information.
We are doing this Pilot with ACBS helping in the background. This is a huge opportunity for chapters like ours to offer automated registrations for very little cost versus building something ourselves and trying to keep up with future requirements. Is this going to be perfect? No. But we are a volunteer organization and this is definitely a step in the right direction.
Best wishes.